Elon Musk Versus Cancel Culture

Epic battle comes to a head over the purchase of Twitter...

Elon Musk with Twitter backdrop

Elon Musk is an entrepreneur extraordinaire and provocateur. He is enemy number one of Cancel Culture and as such he has the unwavering support of Cancel Comeback.

Musk is the CEO and Chief Product Architect of Tesla. He is the founder, CEO, and Chief Engineer at SpaceX. If that wasn't already enough to have on his plate, Musk is the founder of The Boring Company and co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI. And at the writing of this article, Musk is bidding to take over Twitter.

For more information about Elon Musk's Backstory, skip to the section below.

Why are people trying to cancel Elon Musk?

Elon Musk has been an outspoken critic on a host of subjects including censorship, vaccine mandates, and the public display of pronouns to promote gender ideology. This has put him in the cross hairs of the political Left for some time.

In May 2022, Musk tweeted, "In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party. But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican. Now, watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold... 🍿"

Democrats across the country have indeed been hard at work trying to denigrate Musk's character and make it difficult for him to do business.

In October 2021, Musk announced he would move Telsa's headquarter from California to Texas. Oracle's founder, Larry Ellison followed suit, dealing a serious blow to California's image as the epicenter of hi-tech. This has drawn the ire of California's governor, Gavin Newsom and a slew of dubious lawsuits have been filed against Telsa.

In March 2022, Musk published a survey on Twitter, asking "Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy. Do you believe Twitter rigorously adheres to this principle?" Over 2 million people responded, with over 70% responding No, Twitter did not adhere to the principle of free speech."

In April 2022, Elon Musk offered to buy Twitter and in June of the same year the board accepted. As many critics have noted, Twitter is ground zero for Cancel Culture, having silenced thousands of conservative, independent and free-thinking voices since its inception. With his bid to take-over Twitter, Elon Musk has become the front man for free speech and as such, has drawn criticism from all corners of the Cancel Culture landscape.

Who is Trying to Cancel Elon Musk?

Who isn't? would probably be a better question at this point. But let's take them one by one and see what we, as a grass-roots organization, can do to push back.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden falling on stairs to get on plane
Joe Biden, pictured above trying to board Air Force One, refuses to acknowledge the amazing accomplishments of Tesla, the worldwide leader in electric vehicles. Musk is the CEO and Chief Product Architect of Tesla and Biden chose not to invite him to a summit at the White House on electric cars.

Why on God's green earth would Biden snub Musk who arguably has had the greatest positive impact on the environment of any person alive? Simple really... Biden, and the Democratic Party, receive large donations and support from the United Autoworkers Union (UAW). Tesla workers by contrast, chose not to unionize, preferring other financial incentives like ownership in the company through employee stock grants and stock purchase programs. So Biden uses his Presidential office to favor his donors, at the expense of the best interests of the country, and that's a disgrace.

Joy Reid

Joy Reid sporting Chris Mathews haircut
One of the primary narratives used by the Cancel Culture mob against Musk is that he is a closet racist. And no one is working harder to promote that myth than MSNBC's Joy Reid, pictured above appropriating a Chris Mathews' haircut.

Reid has made joyless claims conflating Musk's childhood in South Africa with racism. She fails to point out that he left South Africa as a teenager to study in Canada or that he employs large numbers of Black Americans in his companies. Instead, Reid brings on guests such as Jason Johnson to fabricate false narratives that as a boy growing up in Pretoria, he was somehow complicit in Apartheid because he didn't do enough to overthrow the government. Poppycock!

Reid went as far as to claim that Musk's use of the word "Karen" to describe Senator Elizabeth Warren was motivated by racism. I guess that's based on all the Black women she knows named Karen? More poppycock. Musk riffed on Reid's accusations, calling Reid a lobbyist for Warren instead of the journalist she purports to be.

Joy Reid portrays herself as a victim for being a Black woman but in reality Reid had a privileged upbringing in Colorado and an ivy-league education at Harvard. Despite this, Reid regularly launches anti-racist tirades against White people and has been widely criticized for homophobic remarks made in her personal blog.

You would expect Joy Reid to be fired by her employer, MSNBC, for being a racist and a homophobe, or at least called out to provide an apology. But instead, Reid receives promotions and multi-million dollar pay packages. Apparently, at MSNBC, it's ok to be racist and homophobic as long as you attack the Right people.

Gavin Newsom

Gavin Newsom in front of California's business landscape

Gavin Newsom, pictured above in front of California's business hellscape, has suffered politically because of high-profile businesses like Tesla and Oracle leaving California. Is it a coincidence that Tesla is targeted for lawsuits for moving its headquarters to Texas? Maybe... or is it a coordinated attack on Tesla by Governor Newsom's administration and political activists in California's judicial system? We don't know, but we are trying to find out and we would appreciate your help.

In 2021, a Califonia court ordered Tesla to pay Owen Diaz $137 million because of his claim that other colleagues referred to him using racial slurs. Could that have happened? Of course. But does that mean that Telsa is responsible? Of course not.

Why would any company in Fremont, California, dependent and a disproportioinally Black labor force, encourage anti-Black racism? There is no rational reason any company would, let alone Tesla which has a long history of employing lots of Black people in California.

Why would the State of California conspire to bring fraudulent lawsuits against companies trying to leave the state? To scare the hell out of other companies trying to leave the state. That's probable cause, so we are investigating it.

And while we're on the topic of racial slurs, Joe Biden has a long history of repeating racial slurs and using racially insensitive language. That's not an allegation, it's the actual words coming out of his mouth. How many millions of dollars in damages has Joe Biden been ordered to pay?

Owen also claimed employees had drawn swastikas in bathroom stalls. To our knowledge, Diaz is not Jewish, but if he is, would the settlement have been for $1 Billion dollars, or maybe a Trillion?

This is an unprecedented amount in the history of the United States judicial system, so many questions come to mind.
- What is the evidence that the purported behaviors were encouraged by Tesla?
- Does Owen Diaz have any history of political activism, or direct ties to Gavin Newsom?
- Who was the judge that presided over this case and do they have a history of political activism in the Democratic Party?

If you have any information, please email info@cancelcomeback.com.

How you can Support Elon Musk

Elon Musk in front of a red Tesla
Buy a Telsa. They're fantastic!

Contest social media posts and articles that heap spurious claims on Elon Musk.

Contact us with any information you may have about those trying to cancel Elon Musk. For example, do you know of a coordinated attempt by Gavin Newsom or others to falsely portray Elon Musk as racist or a transphobe? Do you know of women that are preparing to falsely accuse Musk of inappropriate sexual behavior? If so, then send us an email at info@cancelcomeback.com and we'll investigate.

A list of things you can do to fight Cancel Culture can be found on our Join page. Please take a look 👀

Elon Musk's Backstory

Musk was born to Maye and Errol Musk and grew up in Pretoria, South Africa. He moved to Canada at age 17 to attend Queen's University, then transferred to the University of Pennsylvania where he earned a bachelor's degree in Economics and Physics. In 1995, he moved to California to attend Stanford University but dropped out to start a web software company Zip2 with his brother Kimbal. That same year, Musk co-founded an online bank named X.com, which merged with Confinity to form PayPal. The company was bought by eBay in 2002 for $1.5 billion.

While waiting for us to complete this section, please find more information on Elon Musk on Wikipedia, but be skeptical, because Wikipedia is only as good as the humans that maintain it, and many of them are part of the same Big Tech companies that sensor free speech.

Jean-Jacque Assez

Cancel Comeback Contributor

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