Trans-Activists' Failed Attempt to Cancel J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling

The British Author Joanne Rowling, (born July 31st, 1965) goes by the pen name J.K Rowling, is a philanthropist best known for writing the Harry Potter series which has won multiple awards and acclaimed the title of the best selling book in history with 500 million+ copies sold.

JK Rowling lived a rags-to-riches life with her first novel Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone being the turning point. She faced several traumas in her life and fought bravely and didn't lose hope. Her book was presented to twelve publishing houses and was rejected by all of them. A year later, Alice Newton, the eight-year-old daughter of the Chairman of Bloomsburg (A publishing house in London) came across the first chapter of the manuscript. Alice immediately demanded the next chapter. The rest is history.

How Trans-Activists attempted to cancel JK Rowling

While JK Rowling was working on a novel that revolves around the present-day society. She searched for real-life, relevant materials and gathered a lot of content. She met dozens of people and compiled research data on LGBT(Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) for the novel to be intimate with today’s reality. Now she was looking at the world with a lens that shows society as it is without any bias while being straightforward and true. Her Twitter account showed related activity, some of which was incidental and others as concern for women’s rights.

JK Rowling posted a tweet about a publication that addresses women as those who menstruate that degraded women's status. She stood for women’s rights, not to be called “People who menstruate” but to be called “women” with respect and dignity. This comment was taken as offensive by the trans community.

She was concerned about the new laws that any man can be considered a trans woman if he says so, opening the women's changing room to all and any who wishes. It would welcome the dangers of sexual assault for women, making them vulnerable and prone to be attacked. It would ruin their comfort and privacy because any man would be able to reside by women in changing rooms, dormitories, prisons, bathrooms, etc.

Now, the LGBT community hated this, as if JK Rowling was targetting the transgender community in general.

Who Attempted to Cancel JK Rowling?

Ezra Klein

It's difficult to name one trans-activist who is leading the charge to have JK Rowling canceled. As is often the case, many of the accounts used in these cancel attempts are anonymous and one person may have numerous accounts. So we'll turn our attention to mass media, which regularly attempts to silence JK Rowling and others who argue in favor or women's rights, or more simply, common sense.

One of the most aggressive media companies engaged in Cancel Culture is Vox, founded by Ezra Klein, pictured above. Ezra left Vox in 2020, but he served as Editor in Chief over a long and damaging tenure. He commissioned hit peices calling Rowling Transphobic, a TERF, and suggesting she had let down fans of Harry Potter. Some articles went as far as to characterize her works as racist, queerbaiting, lacking in multiculturalism, fat-shaming, and upholding of the patriarchal structures of the Wizarding World. No, that's not a joke. Ezra Klein actually approved articles like that, despite being a patriarch himself, and a Grand Wizard of the terminally Woke.

The transgender community canceled JK Rowling, but why would they do that? Even after JK Rowling clearly showed her support for the transgender community on multiple occasions. The way cancel culture operates, it is in some cases, an argument against itself. It eats it's own.

The reason is the LGBT community needs constant validation and affirmation of themselves and would show no remorse when they violate the rights of others. JK Rowling faced a backlash from her transgender fans but not from the whole Harry Potter fan base. It was a mere coincidence that one of the biggest fanbase websites “MuggleNet” had transgender admins who portrayed as if the whole fanbase is disappointed. They promoted the cancel culture against JK Rowling. While the majority of the fan base has been in support of JK Rowling's unprecedented stance for women’s rights.

It is downright comical that the LGBT community is entitled to their opinion, but others are not. Not only that, you can’t have an opinion of your own, but also you should be in line with LGBTs, Or otherwise, you are canceled!

A lot of things go into the cancel culture. When you are -OF- the opinion, you are part of the cult, which is okay! But if anyone dares not affirm their mindset then the whole cult cancels the transgressor, and it becomes okay to proceed towards prosecution.

A problem is not a problem as long as nobody sees it as one. Trans community contains rich people who are ungrateful. Having tasted every luxury they could, the only thing left was to see how the other sex feels, which was back in the time, considered unethical by masses. Now, they are promoting gender transitions, but the question is why would they do that?

Here, the principle of projection in psychology comes in place. It states that if you have an unacceptable trait, you would point out those traits in others. Thus, they have been promoting transgender education so they wouldn't feel bad. They would have a sense of belonging if they are a number of them and so no one will be able to question them. The entertainment industry especially has a lot of them.

Notice how LGBT issues get so much coverage while other minorities don't? Transgender films get way higher ratings than normal ones.

The Harry Potter cast has given their opinions that we do not agree with what JK said, and we stand with the transgender community. And a handful of people asked her to apologize for what she said. But JK Rowling is standing straight.

JK Rowling's Comeback

JK Rowling has posted several tweets in response to the aggressive cancel culture. She quoted the late American playwright Lillian Hellman: “I can not and will not cut my conscience to fit this year’s fashion.”

Rowling further responded to the Cancel Culture Mob by publishing an essay, explaining her reasons for speaking out on sex and gender issues. She gave her views in a detailed manner and shared her life stories that no one else has ever heard. She is a survivor of sexual assault and has faced a toxic husband and she has worked so hard just to make sure that women of this era wouldn't have to face what she had to when she was in early adulthood. JK Rowling tweet defending Maya Forstater

Rowling took up the defense of Maya Forstater, a tax specialist who’d lost her job for expressing her opinion that sex is determined by biology and is protected in law. Forstater's case went to court and employment judge James Tayler ruled that it wasn’t. It's hard to believe he is still a practicing judge in the UK and it our opinion that he face consequences for his anti-science opinions.

According to research, 60-90% of the gender dysphoria teens regret their decisions later on and would revert, and many of them are devastated to realize that they are no longer able to have children because they have lost their fertility. This is what JK Rowling has been trying to convey to the world and how lives are destroyed because teens facing peer pressure couldn't think for themselves and ruined their lives permanently.

After going through a series of hopelessness and depression and not realizing oneself into society, people become vulnerable and would give in to any hope that they might see. Perhaps, even come to the conclusion that we are trans and that we finally have a place to belong. Now, in the age of following trends, having the urge of belonging, teens shut their own opinions down and follow what gives them, a surety of belonging. Being a part of something releases hormones that satisfy human beings which is why we like to socialize.

JK Rowling portrayed the idea of growing out and getting mature in the character development seen in the fifth Harry Potter book “Order of the Phoenix”. Where Nymphadora tonks matured and developed into a woman.

There is no evidence on the matter that teens would commit suicide if they are not permitted to change their gender. JK Rowling is a true Philanthropist because she cares about the women in this society and all of us in general. How easy it is to ruin one’s life if not guided properly. Not only did she give us great stories but also life lessons that could help us fight against oppression and fight those who have ulterior motives. To think for ourselves and not have a herd mentality. Not to give in to peer pressure, and always stand strong with what is right.

One of the acting legends, Robbie Coltrane, better known as Hagrid from the Harry Potter film, stood in favor of JK Rowling and didn’t find her views offensive. He suggested that people are easily offended these days.

It's important to note that Rowling refused to apologize to the Cancel Cowards, a mistake repeated by countless other targets. By standing up to the Twitter mob, she may have endured a longer struggle, but ultimately, she increased the probability of a strong comeback.

You can stand with JK Rowling and fight against the canceled culture that is booming in today’s era and help save lives that are affected by this cruel reality by having the essence of forgiveness.

You can support JK Rowling on her website and on social media.

Juan Tanamerau

Cancel Comeback Contributor

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